Corporate Advisory


We have considerable experience in undertaking business valuations for companies, trusts, partnerships and unincorporated joint ventures.

In most cases, business valuations are based on profitability and the reliability of those profits in the future. We work with you to achieve your business valuation goal. For instance if you are looking to sell your business, our team can work with you to implement a plan that will maximise its value. This may include helping you to improve profitability and also de-risking the business.

Business valuations are complex and require assessment of a number of different variables, including:

  • Current profitability and the reliability of those profits in the future.
  • Current Assets and working capital position
  • Reliance on key personeel and owners involvement
  • Growth potential
  • Industry considerations
  • Economic considerations
  • Buyer / Legal / Political risks

There are various Business Valuation Methods, with the most common being:

  • Capitalisation of maintainable earnings
  • Discounted cash flow to a net present value
  • Prices of comparable businesses or assets, effectively a market value
  • Net assets + goodwill or realisable value
  • Perpetual value streams or rule-of-thumb

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About us

JZ Consulting Pty Ltd has over 10 years’ experience in accounting, we specialises in business advisory, taxation and assets protection. We focus on our client’s financial success. With a team of qualified accountants which have experience in all areas of accounting and taxation. JZ Consulting work closely with the client to achieve their goals.